
The very fact that you are alive and breathing, is a cause to celebrate, isn’t it?

The mesmerising moments captured at Pandharpur Wari, the annual pilgrimage to the town of Padharpur, which is the seat of Lord Vithoba in the Indian state of Maharashtra, in honour of the deity. Palakhis (palanquin processions) carrying the paduka (foot prints) of the deity and various saints, most notably Dnyaneshwar and Tukaram from the Varkari sect, are taken from their respective shrines to Pandharpur. Varkari or Warkari is a Marathi term which means “one who performs the Wari” or “one who venerates the Vithoba”. The tradition is more than 700 to 800 years old.


Belief is a strong emotion in itself. It can move mountains. Believe in yourself, and celebrate life. The world will begin to look like a much brighter place.


India’s claim to lunar history

Chandrayaan-2, India’s most ambitious second lunar mission to be launched on July 15, will be the first of its kind as it will shed light on a completely unexplored section of the Moon – its South Polar region.

Leveraging nearly a decade of scientific research and engineering development, the mission is aimed at helping in better understanding of the origin and evolution of the Moon by conducting detailed topographical studies, comprehensive mineralogical analyses, and a host of other experiments on the lunar surface.

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And we complain…

Life seems pretty unfair to a lot of us, doesn’t it?

Always be dissatisfied, claim some motivational speakers – it powers you ahead, they say.

And so we complain about money, work, family, where we live, the weather, even ourselves!

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A great master once said – never look upwards – look downwards. You will always be thankful.

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Vakra means twisted, and hence Vakrasana is called the twisted pose. 

The Vakrasana yoga posture helps to tone the nerves around the spinal cord, strengthen our abdomen and stimulate the internal organs.


This yoga asana helps reduce belly fat and lose weight –  a major factor in helping diabetics control their blood sugar and lead an active life.

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