
I am now a grandmother once again!

My grandson was born a few days ago, and we conducted the naming ceremony today. My son wrote this on his blog, and I thought that I would share the same with you.

Here goes!

Namakarana is a very important samskara in Sanatana Dharma. A person’s personality is seen through the eyes, but is heard and understood through the name. A person or thing’s first experience is usually had through the eyes, and it’s understanding or interpretation is usually though the name. 

नाम्यते अभिधीयते अर्थोऽनेन इति नाम – that whose meaning encompasses the characteristics of a person, is a name.

And this is why in our culture, a name is not arbitrarily assigned. In fact, it is only decided upon after the baby is born. Parents and elders take 11-14 days to observe the characteristics of the baby, it’s tendencies and gunas (sattva, rajas and tamas) and then after careful consideration, the names are assigned. 

I said names. Because, one name cannot define everything about a person. The greater the personality, the more names they have. This is why we have the Vishnu Sahasranama – even one thousand names are not enough to define the universal consciousness. 

For us mortals, 4-5 names are usually assigned. 

The name by which the baby will be addressed by the world at large, the legal name – is called Vyavahārika nama. Everyone wants a unique name for their baby, and so did we. And so, we did a lot of research to arrive at the name that our baby will be known as. 

The name is derived from a pada of the Atharva Veda Samhita, and the meaning of the pada beautifully fits into the name itself, and the name of the father too. Here it is. 

ऋषि: – ब्रह्मा 

देवता– अध्यात्मम्, रोहितः, आदित्यः 

छन्दः – त्रिष्टुप् 

सूक्तम्– अध्यात्म प्रकरण सूक्त

ॐ दिवं च रोह पृथिवीं च रोह राष्ट्रं च रोह द्रविणं च रोह। 

प्रजां च रोहामृतं च रोह रोहितेन तन्वं सं स्पृशस्व ॥

Atharva Veda Samhita 13.1.34

dívaṃ ca róha pr̥tʰivī́ṃ ca roha rāṣṭráṃ ca róha dráviṇaṃ ca roha /

prajā́ṃ ca róhāmŕ̥taṃ ca roha róhitena tanvà1ṃ sáṃ spr̥śasva //

Raise the standards of all the aspects of your life, raise the level of your knowledge, and work hard to raise the honor of your country. Raise the standards of the wealth that you aim for and raise the level of your family and everyone around you. Rise to life immortal, by uniting yourself with the universal consciousness. 

पद पाठ

दिवम् । च । रोह । पृथिवीम् । च । रोह । राष्ट्रम् । च । रोह । द्रविणम् । च । रोह । प्रऽजाम् । च । रोह । अमृतम् । च । रोह । रोहितेन । तन्वम् । सम् । स्पृशस्व ॥१.३४॥

पदार्थ – 

[हे राजन् !] (दिवम्) व्यवहार को (च) निश्चय करके (रोह) प्रकट कर, (च) और (पृथिवीम्) पृथिवी [की विद्या] को (रोह) प्रकट कर, (च)और (राष्ट्रम्) राज्य को (रोह) प्रकट कर, (च) और (द्रविणम्) धन को (रोह) प्रकट कर। (च) और (प्रजाम्) प्रजा [पुत्र-पौत्र राज्य जन] को (रोह) प्रकट कर, (च) और (अमृतम्) अमरपन [पुरुषार्थ] को (रोह) प्रकट कर, (रोहितेन) सबके उत्पन्न करनेवाले [परमेश्वर] के साथ (तन्वम्) अपने विस्तार को (सं स्पृशस्व) संयुक्त कर ॥३४॥

भावार्थ – 

जो मनुष्य प्रत्येक व्यवहार और विद्या में कुशल होता है, वह राज्य की सब प्रकार वृद्धि करता हुआ परमेश्वर की महिमा में अपने आत्मा को ऊँचा बनाता है ॥३४॥


Kaliyuga Samvat 5122

Vikrama Era 2077

Saka Era 1942

Pausha Masa, Krishna Paksha

Hemant Ritu


Gregorian calendar – 1st February 2021

In Sanatana Dharma, there are four prominent names – मासनाम्न, नक्षत्रनाम्ना, व्यवहारिकनाम्नाच संस्करिष्ये

Vyavahārika nama

Legal name, used for everyday interactions. 


रोह + अमृत


IAST – Rohāmṛta

Meaning – The one who has the ability to impart the nectar of immortality 

Here, the nectar of immortality can mean knowledge – the ultimate truth. 

Correct Pronunciation – Ro | Haa | Mri | Ta (as in TApas)

Incorrect – Ro | Ha | Mrit, Ro | Haa | Mrit

Every akshara in Samskritam is a mantra. And so, the akshara with which the name starts also holds significance. 



Element – Fire

Deva – Rudra

Tanmatra – Sight

As per Shāstras,

The last letter should be prolonged (dirgha) or should have the visarga. The less prolonged letters (rhasva) are predominant in Energy (Shakti) while the more prolonged (dirgha) ones or those containing visarga are predominant in Shiv (Brahman). Since the motive in Spirituality is union with the Shiv principle, this rule is followed.

In this name, the dirgha is used – Ro | Haa | Mri | Taa

A boy’s name should consist of two or four aksharas, for example Bhadra, Dev, Devdatta, Bhava, Bhavanath, Nagdev, etc. while a girl’s should consist of an odd number of letters that is 3, 5 or 7. Letters in odd numbers predominate in Energy (Shakti) while those in even numbers are Shiv predominant.

In this name, the four aksharas are used – र, ह, म, त

These four letters represent Righteousness (Dharma), wealth (artha), desire (kama) and Liberation (Moksha), the four objectives (purusharthas) of human life.

The name of a Kshatriyashould signify strength. 

Rohāmṛta – the one who has the ability (the strength) to impart the nectar of immortality.

kula nama

Based on our kula devta – कृष्ण (Kṛṣṇa)



IAST – Keśava

Order of emblems: Shankha, chakra, Padma, Gada

One whose own forms are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, for the creation, maintenance and destruction of the universe (by synthesis of ‘K’ for Brahma, ‘A’ for Vishnu, ‘isha’ for Shiva and ‘va’ for ‘svarupa’ form)

One who is endowed with the rays of light spreading within the orbit of the sun

One who has good, soft, dense, black hair (Kesha)

One who destroyed the demon Keshi in the Krishna avatara

The lord of creation, preservation, and dissolution, Keśava represents all three forms.

Also, the destroyer of the demon-Kesi, as per Vishnu Purana. Interestingly, by chanting the name Kesava, one gets rid of their Kleshas, which are the root cause of all our pain and suffering, there are five major kleshas as described in Patanjali Yoga Sutra — Avidya (Ignorance), Asmita (Egoism), Raga (Likings), Dvesa (Dis-likings), Abhinidvesa (Fear).

nakshatra nama

Based on the Nakshatra of birth



Meaning – The nectar of immortality

māsa nama

Based on the lunar calendar month of birth

कृष्णोऽनन्तोऽच्युतश्चक्री वैकुण्ठोऽथ जनार्दनः ।उपेन्द्रो यज्ञपुरुषो वासुदेवस्तथा हरिः ।योगीशः पुण्डरीकाक्षो मासनामान्यनुक्रमात् ॥



Meaning – the one who does not have an ending, who is immortal/ever expansive/universal

pitr nama

Based on ancestry – usually the name of the grandfather



Meaning – the one who is thoughtful and pleasant in speech 

Freeing up your time – Part 2

Freeing up your time – Part 2

Difficulty level – 3 (difficult)

Time commitment : (-45) minutes everyday

A few days back, I had spoken about freeing up your time. This is the second part of that exercise. 

The first thing we need to do is to be aware of how we spend our time. Without awareness, you cannot measure it. Without measuring, you cannot analyse it. And without analysis, you cannot amend it. 

So, as a pre-exercise routine, you would need to perform a few tasks:

  1. Commitment – The first step to achieve anything is firm commitment to the cause. This is an addiction – the only way to get rid of it, and get back control, is to commit to making a change. Link this commitment to a reward – a small treat once you achieve your milestones. 
  2. Measure – the number of times that you check your email on a normal workday. Every time you open your email app on your phone, or check your email on your laptop browser, make a tick in a notebook. Do this for one full day, from the time you wake up, till the time you sleep. 
  3. Note down your distractions – Keep a notepad next to your desk, and make a note of every distraction or interruption that pops up to tempt you to interrupt what you are working on. This can range from thoughts in your head, to unscheduled calls and notifications that make you look at your phone. Do this for one full workday.

So, what were your scores? I was at 45+ email opens (before I started the sādhanā), and over 70 distractions (I stopped writing after some time, there were so many of them). 

The first part of this exercise concentrated on our social media and phone usage. You noted the time you spent on this, and started corrective measures. This exercise focuses on work-related tasks, to address the main issue that we seem to have at work – NO TIME. 

Now that you have seen the extent of the problem, let’s get down to the solution.

Freeing up your time

The first thing we need to do is to be aware of how we spend our time. Without awareness, you cannot measure it. Without measuring, you cannot analyse it. And without analysis, you cannot amend it. 

So, as a pre-exercise routine, you would need to perform a few tasks:

  1. Commitment – The first step to achieve anything is firm commitment to the cause. This is an addiction – the only way to get rid of it, and get back control, is to commit to making a change. Link this commitment to a reward – a small treat once you achieve your milestones. 
  2. Set up a screen-time option on your phone. iOS (the iPhone) has this option in settings, and you can download the Digital Wellbeing app for Android devices. 

Measure this for a week, without making any changes to your screen usage. Then, go to the screen time feature and see your results. I have discussed the iPhone-related options here, but am sure that the Android equivalent would have the same categories. 

You will be shocked to see how much time you actually spend on your phone. Pay special attention to:

  1. Your average screen time per day – that is the time you spend looking at your phone. I’ve had people coming back with 6-7 hour screen times per day – thats nearly half your waking life spent looking at a phone, excluding the other devices (laptops, television, iPads) that you may have… 
  2. Your ‘Most Used’ apps – This shows which app you are addicted to the most. Chances are that Instagram and the browser will share the top spot. 
  3. Categories – All apps are grouped into categories. For instance – WhatsApp, Instagram, FB etc., come under Social Networking. Notes, Voice Memos, Hubspot (CRM), email, calendar apps come under Productivity, Books, Wikipedia and information sites come under Reading & Reference. Am sure that your Social Networking group would win hands down in these stats, since most people use their phones primarily for social apps. 
  4. Pickups – this is interesting. It shows how many times you picked up the phone. I’ve seen scores above 200…per day! Also pay attention to the ‘First Used after Pickup‘ stats. This is the app you picked the phone up for, mostly because you got a related notification. Can also be the app you check for updates frequently. 

Now that you have seen the extent of the problem, let’s get down to the solution.

Read more at:

This & That

(1)  Art like Morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere. —— G. K. Chesterton.
(2) The Traveller was active; he went seriously in search of people, of adventure, of experiences. The Tourist is passive; he expects interesting things to happen to him.  He goes “sight – seeing”.  ——- Daniel J. Boorstin.
(3)  In ‘individuals’, Insanity is rare.  But in Groups, Parties, Nations and Epochs, IT IS THE RULE.
(4) Dogs have ‘dichromatic vision’  —- they have two types of colour receptive cells and see colour within two spectrums of light —— BLUE & YELLOW.
(5) Sometimes we love with nothing more than hope.  Sometimes we cry with everything except tears. ——– Gregory David Roberts.
(6) Self – Mastery is the DNA of Life – Mastery.  Success on the outside begins with success on the inside.
(7) There are people who make things happen.  There are people who watch things happen.  There are people who say, “What happened ?”
(8)  A good sense of humour is like a good sense of intuition ——- PRICELESS.
(9) Today, I choose life.  Every morning when I wake up, I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain……… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices ——- Today, I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.
(10) I am a strong person, but every now and then, I would like someone to take my hand and say everything will be alright.

This & That…

arrogance painting

(1) We hurt without moving

And poison without touching
We bear truth and lies
But are not judged by size. ——- What are we ?
(2) Do you know : ORANGE CARROTS apparently did not come about till the 17th century, when, as the story goes, Dutch horticulturists developed the strain to honour William of Orange.  Before that carrots, indigenous to Afghanistan, were purple in colour, also red and yellow.  The orange carrot apparently (and quite naturally) became a trendy, pretty food and sweeter too.
(3) In Greece HALWA is called 1:2:3:4, because of the proportion of the ingredients to be added to the porridge-like confection. (fat:semolina:sugar:water)
(4) How does a mouse get out of a room ? It “clicks” an “icon” & “opens” a “window”.
(5) Bureaucracy defends the “status quo” long past the time when the “quo” has lost its “status”.
(6) Did you hear about the suicidal homeopath ?  He took 1/50th of the recommended dose.
(7) Hale Makua, Hawaiian Elder and Teacher used to say, ” We must RE-MEMBER.  We must connect, bring together, bring to life.  Again and again and again.
(8) Arrogance leads to ignorance, because it colours our perception.
confucius(9) Be silent on services you have rendered, but speak of favours you have received.
(10) A relationship needs not just love, but also respect, happiness, freedom, friendship an equality between the partners.
(11) Thinkers think and doers do.  But until the thinkers do and doers think, progress will be just another word in the already overburdened vocabulary of the talkers who talk.
(12) What did the fish say when he ran into a wall ?  DAM.
(13) The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.—– Picasso.
(14) Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life, the evening beam that smiles the clouds away and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray. —– Lord Byron.
(15) Hold your friends close and your enemies on limited profile.
(16) If you are well-disposed towards those whose views are similar to yours, you may be said to exhibit “good character”.  But, is you behave well with those holding divergent views from you, then you have an “excellent character”. —– Maulan Wahiduddin Khan.
(17)  What do you get when you cross a weeping willow with an UFO ?  A CRYING SAUCER.
(18) At a dinner party one should “eat wisely”, but not “too well”, and “talk well” but not “too wisely”.  ————Somerset Maugham.
Picasso self(19)  Any issue in India is complete only after : A twitter trend. An Arnav rant.  A Sakshi Maharaja quote.  A Chetan Bhagat solution.
(20)  Did you know :  All four sons of biologist Angus M. Woodbury earned PhDs in biology and both his daughters married biologists ?
  (21) By three methods we may learn wisdom : By “reflection” which is the “noblest”.  By “imitation” which is the “easiest”.  By “experience” which is the “bitterest”.  —— Confucius.
(22) Why can’t you tell a joke while standing on ice ?  Because it might crack up.
(23) If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. —– Khalil Gibran.
(24) The word UNFRIEND apparently appeared in print way back in 1659, when English was still not affected by the language spoken by today’s internet generation.
  (25) The only way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, do nothing and be nothing. ——– Aristotle.
(26) What do you call Santa’s mistakes ?  SANTA FLAWS.
(27) In the book “The Columbus Affair” by Steve Berry, Simon Zachariah has the “look” of a “scholar”, the “soul” of a “scoundrel” and the “zeal” of a “fanatic”.
(28) Swallow your pride occasionally.  IT IS NON-FATTENING.
(29) Hermann Ebbinghaus, a German psychologist, who pioneered the study of memory, said, ” Mental events are not passive happenings, but the acts of a subject”.
(30) Trust Him when darkest thoughts assail thee
Trust Him when thy faith is small
Trust Him when to simply trust Him
Is the hardest thing of all.
Rosalind Russell. 

This and That…

(1) The first pop stars are BELKA & STRELKA, because they returned alive from their space mission. (mentioned in a book by Olesya Turkin).  LEIKA was the first canine to be sent into space, but she died.
(2) PM Modi’s fondness for “alliteration” is no secret.  He extolled the virtues of the 3 DS.  He said India has 3 unique DS ——- Democracy, Demographic dividend and Demand.  The 4th D is Discussion on how to expand the pool of skilled workers in the country, how to retain talented teachers, nurses and others, and how to bring back those who have left the country.
(3) We create our own realities.  Energy becomes intent, intent forms a word.  A word shapes an action and an action creates a reality.  CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY.
(4) Most cultures forbid “cursing”, because words are like PSYCHIC ARROWS, they can cause harm.  Our thoughts and actions have a far greater impact on our lives than we know.  Keep your thoughts pure, keep your words positive.
funny oil painting(5) Intelligence is like “underwear”.  It is important that you have it, but not necessary that you show it off.
(6) I am reading a book on ANTIGRAVITY.  It is impossible to put it down. 
(7) Step with care and great tact.  Life’s a great “balancing act”.
(8) When at last you are sure, you’ve been properly PILLED, a few paper forms must be properly FILLED, so that you and your heirs may be properly BILLED.
(9) I changed my password to INCORRECT.  So, whenever I forget what my password is, the computer will say, “YOUR PASSWORD IS INCORRECT”.
(10) I hate people who use big words just to make themselves look PERSPICACIOUS. 
(11) Never break someone’s heart —– they have only 1……… break their bones, because they have 206 of them.
(12) If a turtle doesn’t have a shell ———- is it “homeless’ or “naked” ?
(13) It  takes “patience” to “listen …… it takes “skill” to “pretend you are listening”.
(14) You have “brains” in your “head.  You have “feet” in your “shoes”.  You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.  You’re on your own and you know what you know.  And you are the guy who’ll decide where you go.
funny dog art(15) Animal Crackers :
(a) What do you call a dinosaur who only eats the most delicious food ?  CONNOISSAUR.
(b) Where do “snails” avoid eating ”  In FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS.
(c) Why did the kangaroo stop drinking coffee ?  HE GOT TOO JUMPY.
(d) What’s a bunny’s favourite music ?  HIP HOP.
(e) How do you find the gender of an ant by throwing it in water ?  If it “sinks”, it is a girl-ant, if it floats ——- BUOYANT.
(16) German Saying :  When 2 dogs fight for a bone, and a third runs off with it, THERE’S A LAWYER AMONG THE DOGS. 
(17) A mind, like a home, is furnished by its owner, so, if one’s life is “cold and bare”, he can blame none but himself.
(18) Valour is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul. —— Michel de Montaigne.
(19) Through love, all that is bitter will be sweet
Through love, all that is copper will be gold
Through love, all dregs will become wine
Through love, all pain will be turned to medicine. —— Rumi. 
(20) What do you get when you cross a “lawyer” with “Godfather” ?  ——- AN OFFER YOU CAN’T UNDERSTAND.

This & That…

beer garden painting

(1) Daniel Day-Lewis, an Englishman, who has won 3 Best Actor Oscars, said, ” I come from, not just a household, but a country, where the finesse of language, well-balanced sentence, structure syntax —– these things are driven into us, and my parents, bless them, are great custodians of the English language.”

(2) Did you know, that in space you cannot cry, because there is no gravity to MAKE THE TEARS FLOW.
(3) KEEP IT FLOWING : Did BRAD fall into a PIT ?  Is ANGELINA always JOLIE ? Was AMRISH really a PURI ?  Has GERARD always been a BUTLER ? Why is GAUTAM always GAMBHIR ? Is NICOLE a KID or a MAN ? Did KANGANA really RANAUT or was she caught and bowled ?
(4) What do you do when a chair breaks ?  Call a CHAIRMAN.
(5) What was Napoleon doing at KFC ?  Pulling the BONE APART.
(6) A GOOD writer can TELL A STORY.  An EXCELLENT writer can TELL IT WELL.  A GREAT writer can LISTEN.
(7) What happened to a plant in math Class ?  It grew SQUARE ROOTS.
(8) When someone allows you to BEAR HIS BURDENS, you have found DEEP FRIENDSHIP.
(9) He who is plenteously provided for within, needs but little from without.
(10) It is a sad thing when men have neither the wit to speak well, nor the judgement to hold their tongues.
(11) Never forget what you are ………… Wear it like armour and it can never be used to hurt you.
(12) You will not be punished For your ANGER.  You will be punished BY your ANGER.



(14) The lustre of a virtuous character cannot be defaced, nor can the vices of a vicious man ever become lucid.  A jewel preserves its lustre, though trodden in the mud, but a brass pot, though placed upon the head —— IS BRASS STILL.
(15) I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way, we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.
(16) There once was a man from Peru
Who dreamt he was eating his shoe
He woke with a fright in the middle of the night
To see his dream come true.
(17) Faith is knowing one of two things will happen : There will be something to stand on, or YOU WILL BE TAUGHT TO FLY.
(18) Only those in tune with nature seem to pick up on the energy in winds.  All sorts of things get swept off in the breeze : ghosts, pieces of soul, voices unsung, thoughts repressed, love not cherished and so much spiritual ether.
(19) When we love someone too much, they become our sense of home.  What was within us is now with them, and so when they withdraw, they take with them the place we belong, the place we seek for comfort, leaving us lost, lonely and wondering.
(20) It is good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money cannot buy.
(21) Our knowledge is a receding mirage in an expanding desert of ignorance.

This & That…

(1) To the mind that is still, THE WHOLE UNIVERSE SURRENDERS ————– Lao-Tzu.
(2) OPERA is when a guy gets stabbed in the back and, instead of bleeding —- HE SINGS.  —– Ed Gardner.
(3) Why can’t you trust atoms ? Because THEY MAKE UP EVERYTHING.
(4) A NICE GUY will be nice to everyone.  Why? Because he wants everyone to like him, as he thinks he has many flaws and he is not good enough and does not have any self-esteem and self-worth, so he has to be nice.  Nice guys will always suffer all their lives, as they will be pleasing others all the time and will tire themselves completely.  A GOOD GUY has his self-worth, does good for everyone, but WILL NOT PLEASE EVERYONE.  He is there to do good, and does the right thing.  I would say, “Don’t be the nice guy, be the good guy.” —— Hrithik Roshan.  ( Better to be a nice good guy —- Rohit Ghai)
life positivity(5) What goes bzzz —– h-o-n-e-y-bzzz-bzzz ? SPELLING BEE.
(6) HOLI is somewhat akin to the ancient festival of SATURNALIA, where slaves and masters exchanged places for a day.  It led to a much-needed catharsis, a blowing off of steam as well as a reminder to all of their essential humanity. ———Swati Chopra.
(7) Life is for the living/ Death is for the dead
Let life be like music
And Death a NOTE UNSAID. —-Langston Hughes.
(8) The quest for “permanence” is the bedrock of man’s suffering and we have to come to terms with the fact that “everything in life is in a state of flux”———Mahesh Bhatt.
(9) The beauty of a woman isn’t in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries or the way she combs her hair.  The beauty of a woman must be seen in “her eyes”.  Because that’s the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.  True beauty in a woman is reflected in “her soul”.  It is the “caring” that she cares to give, the “passion” that she shows.  And, the beauty of a such a woman, with passing years, ONLY GROWS. —- Audrey Hepburn.
(10) Don’t part with your illusions.  When they are gone. you may still exist, but, YOU HAVE CEASED TO LIVE. — Mark Twain.
(11) A clown is like an “aspirin”, only he works “twice as faster”.
(12) It is said that the Sufi is one who possesses nothing except the name of God and service of humanity.  It is this spirit of “complete surrender and simplicity” which endears the Sufi to one and all, especially the “commoner”.

fragrance of ife

(13) The purpose of life is not to be happy.  It is to be USEFUL, to be honourable, to be COMPASSIONATE, to HAVE IT MAKE SOME DIFFERENCE THAT YOU HAVE LIVED & LIVED WELL. —–Ralph Waldo Emerson.

(14)  Our body is full of water, but whenever it hurts, “blood” comes out, and our hearts is full of blood, but whenever it hurts, tears” come out.
(15) Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because YOU DESERVE PEACE.
(16) If you have a MAGNETIC PERSONALITY, and, yet, people don’t get attracted to you, it’s not your fault ………… THEY HAVE IRON DEFICIENCY IN THEIR BODIES.
(17) Latest joke doing the rounds in Bengaluru : To succeed in work-life, you have to cross the three most difficult bridges : K. R. Puram Bridge, Marathalli Bridge and the Silk Board Bridge.
(18) Don’t limit a child to your own learning, for HE WAS BORN IN ANOTHER TIME . —– Tagore.
(19) Don’t be afraid to take a “big step” if indicated.  YOU CAN’T CROSS A CHASM IN TWO SMALL JUMPS. —– David George.
(20) DOING what you like is FREEDOM.  LIKING what you do is HAPPINESS. .

This & That…

DACS - FULL CONSULT; (c) DACS - FULL CONSULT; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation

(1) An oil lamp becomes “brighter” when it is “trimmed”, a truth becomes “clearer” after “being discussed”.  When facing a ‘complicating problem”, only by “discussion” and “debate” can we get the correct answer.  Truth develops through the comparison of ideas. ——- Chinese saying. 

(2) A tree that can fill the span of a man’s arms, grows from a downy tip ; a terrace of 9 stories high rises from shovelfuls of earth ; a journey of a 1000 miles starts from beneath one’s feet. —Lao-Tzu.
(3)  Had I the Heavens’ embroidered cloths
Wrought with golden and silver light
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
of night and light and the half light
I would spread the cloths under your feet
But I, being poor, have only my dreams
I have spread my dreams under your feet
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.  —— Yeats.
(4) A family is a place where “principles” are “hammered” and “honed” on the “anvil” of “everyday living”. 
(5) Muhammad Iqbal, one of the greatest poets of the sub-continent, wrote in his diary :  Nations are born in the hearts of poets and die in the hands of politicians.
(6) The word CLEAVE is the only English word with 2 synonyms which are antonyms of each other —– “adhere” and “separate”.
(7) James Arruda Henry published his book at the age of 98.  The name of the book : In A Fisherman’s Language in 2011.  His book has sold 3000 copies since its publication.  He was inspired by George Dawson, the grandson of a slave, who started learning at the age of 98.
(8) The family is the “giant shock absorber of society”, to which the “bruised and battered individual” returns after “doing battle with the world”. 
(9) NOSTALGIA is like a grammar lesson : You find the present —- tense, but the past —- perfect.
(10) Fasting does not mean just “abstinence from food” :  We eat “forms” through our “eyes”, “sounds” through our “ears”, “fragrances” through our “noses” and so on.  All of this is actually feeding our mind and our mind feeds on these “sense perceptions” and thereafter, constantly runs outward in their direction “becoming totally dissipated”.
72-P-JB-Yeats-Off-the-Donegal-Coast(11) Heal others without revealing yourself as a healer.  Your capacity to heal will be enhanced.
(12) When in charge —- ponder.  When in doubt —- mumble.  When in trouble —– delegate.
(13) In “war time” truth is so precious, that it should always be attended by a “bodyguard of lies”. —-Churchill.
(14) The correct temperature at home is maintained by “warm hearts” and “cool heads” ; not by good ventilation, fans and air conditioners. 
(15) It is better to drink of deep sorrows than to taste shallow pleasures.
(16) Sloane Crosley, an essayist, wrote, : I used to think that “nails-down-a-chalkboard” was the worst sound in the world.  Then I moved on to “people-eating-cereal-on-the-phone”.  But only this week did I stumble across the rightful winner : It’s the sound of a baggage carousel coming to a grinding halt, having reunited every passenger on your flight with their luggage —– except for you.
(18)  Economists have found that “worse the economy” ——- “longer the women’s skirts” and “better the economy” ——- “shorter the skirts”.
(19) I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.  Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.  It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.—- Dr. Seuss.
(20) Strong people don’t put others down.  They lift them up and slam them on the ground for “maximum damage”.  

This & That…


(1) All human beings are either OWLS or LARKS, being genetically predisposed to STAY UP LATE or GET UP EARLY and to be at their best “after sundown” or “after dawn”.
(2) REPUTATION is an idle and most false imposition, oft got without merit and lost without deserving. —- Shakespeare.
(3) Raise your words, not your voice.  It is the rain that grows flowers not the thunder. — Rumi. 
(4) If an apple keeps the doctor away, what does an onion do ?  KEEP EVERYONE AWAY.
(5) While money can’t buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.  —- Groucho Marx
(6) Relish the nightly solitude, spend a moment with a man who dwells within, stitch up a lacerated heart, find blessings that refuse to descend on your mind during the day.  In the night lies a far more peaceful and holier place.  The sunrise is God’s apology, before humans come to wake.  I thank the night, when a poor man is blessed with sleep, for a moment forgetting that tomorrow he again shall have nought to eat.
(7) Celeb Trains :
(a) Dhoni Express : Slow to start, will make up for it on journey’s last phase.
(b) Rajni Express: Can drop you at 2 stations at the same time.
(c) Amir Khan Express : Will only run once a year, and passengers will be selected by Amir himself.
(d) Kiran Bedi Express : Will have no seats.  Will keep changing tracks on its own.
(e) Rohit Shetty Express : It flies.
(f) Kejriwal Express : Will have no seats.  Everybody will sit on the floor.
(g) Amit Shah Express :  Will cover entire India —- except India.
(h) Anna Hazare Express :  Won’t have pantry.
(i) Anurag Kashyap Express : The TTE will abuse you, shout at you and throw you out of the train if you don’t have a ticket.
(8) True Love is hidden in a father’s toil and sweat
True Love is the essence of a mother, her very breath
O naïve, youthful Patron !
True Love you have not seen, true love you have not heard. — Kashif.
(9) Middle Age is when you’ve met so many people, that every new person, you meet, reminds you of someone else. —- Ogden Nash.
(10) The Bible Bar is a granola bar in the US that sells itself as  food the “Gods call good”.  What’s so special about this granola bar ?  —- It is made from 7 foods listed in the Book of Deuteronomy 8.8 of the Bible.  These 7 foods are wheat, barley, figs, raisins, pomegranates, olive oil and honey.